Behavioral Health Intervention/Prevention Scientist. The Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) at UNL seeks applicants with a doctorate in educational or school psychology, clinical psychology, early childhood, developmental psychology, human development or a closely related field for a non-tenure leading 12-month Research Assistant/Associate Professor position. Expertise in early intervention, prevention, or translational research is required. Specific strengths may include (a) development and evaluation of innovative prevention or intervention strategies that address health or mental health in children, youth and families; (b) investigation of related processes and approaches applied to ethnically diverse populations; and/or (c) social/behavioral epidemiology and health/mental health. Expertise in applied intervention research methods and statistical approaches is highly desirable, including a strong analytical background in advanced techniques (e.g., HLM, missing data procedures and/or mixed methods approaches). The successful applicant will have (a) demonstrated expertise related to prevention and intervention associated with childhood risk, the translation of efficacious interventions to applied settings, and an appreciation for ecological influences on development; and (b) clear evidence of research productivity and funding, including a relevant publication record, success in garnering grant support, and expertise in statistics and research methods. The individual must demonstrate an ability to integrate his/her research with the mission of CYFS, and collaborate with other researchers in behavioral health prevention and intervention.
Responsibilities: (a) lead an active line of research in an area consistent with the research strengths listed above; (b) participate actively on interdisciplinary research teams that extend research related to children, youth, families and schools; (c) write grants and secure funding for new research; (d) contribute to the scholarly literature through the publication of refereed journal articles, books, and chapters; (e) support research efforts among faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students; and (f) contribute generally to the mission and ongoing initiatives of CYFS.
CYFS ( is a highly prolific, collegial, interdisciplinary program that promotes and supports a vibrant grant-active culture in the College of Education and Human Sciences and across UNL. The Center pursues and secures competitive funding with a high rate of success. CYFS is home to the IES-funded National Center for Research on Rural Education and closely affiliated with many related NU institutes, including the Buffett Early Childhood Institute and the Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior, with opportunities for collaboration and partnership.
To be considered, please go to, click Create Application, and complete the Faculty/Academic Administrative Information Form; requisition number 120916. Attach a letter of application, current vitae, and up to three samples of scholarly writing. Three reference letters with contact information should be sent to Dr. Susan Sheridan, Chair, 216 Mabel Lee Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0235. Review of applications will begin no earlier than December 5, 2012 and continue until a suitable candidate is hired. Candidates wishing additional information should contact Dr. Sheridan by phone (402-472-6941) or email ( The University of Nebraska has an active NSF ADVANCE gender equity program and is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; contact Cindy Schuerman at (402) 472-2452 for assistance.