The School of Social and Family Dynamics (SSFD), an interdisciplinary unit at Arizona State University (, announces an open tenure-track position aimed at building on SSFD’s existing strengths in innovative and interdisciplinary research focused on children, youth, and families. We anticipate that this is the first in a series of cluster hires in innovative methods.

In this position, we invite applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position with a focus on innovative methodology starting Fall of 2013 (job number 10150). We seek colleagues with exceptional records of interdisciplinary collaborative research whose work focuses on the development or application of novel research methodologies, including research design, measurement, data collection, and data analysis, related to SSFD’s core focus on children, youth, and families. The successful candidate will be expected to teach advanced methods courses and to take part in interdisciplinary research.

Faculty in SSFD and across ASU have substantial capacity in many domains pertaining to research methods, such as quantitative analysis of human development, design, implementation and evaluation of education and intervention programs, observational and survey methods, demography and social change, and social network analysis. To capitalize on these strengths and foster new synergies, candidates must have a strong publication record, demonstrated potential in obtaining external funding, and demonstrated potential in teaching and graduate mentorship. Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent by time of appointment in human development, education, sociology, or related field. Applicants must provide clear evidence that their substantive area of interest is related to the core foci of the school (children, youth, and families). Preference will be given to those candidates whose research is focused on child/adolescent social networks and who have expertise in longitudinal social network analysis.

Applications will be reviewed beginning October 21, 2012; if not filled, then every week thereafter until the search is closed. All materials must be submitted electronically (letter of application describing your research and teaching background and interests as they relate to innovative methodologies for the study of children, youth, and families, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and two samples of written work) to Dr. Sandra Simpkins at A background check is required for employment. Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply (