The Educational Psychology program at the University of New Mexico (UNM) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position beginning in the fall of the 2017-2018 academic year: Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology with a specialization in Quantitative Methodology. This position is open to quantitative methodologists from a broad range of areas that have research interests pertaining to education. The successful applicant should have experience teaching and publishing quantitative methods. This applicant will also have opportunities to work with the growing Methodology Group @ UNM.
UNM is the state’s flagship research university as well as a Hispanic-Serving Institution classified a Carnegie Research University with Highest Research Activity. UNM also has strong connections with 23 tribal nations located within New Mexico. As such, successful candidates must be committed to working with broadly diverse student and community populations.
Minimum Qualifications: 1) An earned doctorate in educational psychology or related field (e.g., quantitative methods, statistics, psychology). (2) Research focus pertaining to quantitative methods relevant to education.
Preferred Qualifications: 1) Evidence of potential to establish a scholarly agenda on quantitative methods related to educational psychology. (2) Evidence or potential for excellence in teaching at the collegiate level. (3) A demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and student success, as well as working with broadly diverse communities. (4) Ability to teach a variety of graduate level statistics and methodology courses.
Responsibilities: The successful candidate with be expected to teach quantitative methods courses, develop and maintain an active research agenda, advise Master’s and doctoral students, and conduct appropriate service.
A complete application packet will include:
- Letter of intent summarizing qualifications
- Current curriculum vita
- Representative publication(s)
- Official or unofficial transcripts
- Contact information for three professional references
Applications will be accepted through UNMJobs ( For best consideration, complete application packets must be received by 5:00pm (MST) on 10/31/2017. Position will remain open until filled. Consideration and review will not take place until all required documents are received.
UNM is located in Albuquerque – a metropolitan area of more than 500,000 people – between the beautiful Rio Grande River and the picturesque Sandia Mountains. Albuquerque is a unique city with a blend of traditions, people, and cultures. The city has fantastic local cuisine, a variety of art galleries, sporting events, and easy access to a myriad of outdoor recreational opportunities.
Any questions about this position should be directed to Martin H. Jones, PhD,
Applicants who are appointed to a UNM continuing faculty position are required to provide an official certification of successful completion of all degree requirements prior to their initial employment with UNM. UNM is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and Educator.