Job Description

The College of Education at Auburn University announces an assistant/associate tenure track position in the Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Technology.

The department supports the College of Education’s commitment to undergraduate and graduate education by offering coursework in educational foundations, research, and evaluation. We are seeking faculty committed to both research and practice with expertise in applied educational research methods, measurement, and analysis.

Responsibilities: (1) graduate teaching in research methods, measurement, and evaluation, (2) engagement in an active research program, (3) advising graduate students, (4) distance education, and (5) service to the profession.

Minimum Qualifications

(1) Earned doctorate in educational research methods, measurement, evaluation, or closely related area, (2) evidence of expertise in quantitative methodology, (3) evidence of scholarly productivity, (4) evidence of strong potential for excellence in teaching, (5) meet eligibility requirements to work in the U.S. at the time appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally for the proposed term of employment, and (6) excellent communication skills.

Desired Qualifications

(1) Ability and experience with advanced methods or program evaluation , 2) ability and experience teaching distance education courses, (3) ability and experience related to grant proposals and funded research.

Those interest may find more (including an application submission portal) here: Applications are due March 10th.