The Applied Developmental Psychology doctoral program is seeking a candidate with an established record of publications, teaching and external funding who can contribute to one or more of the programs three specializations: Families, Schools, and Society; Race, Ethnicity, and Culture; and Health, Illness, and Well-Being. The specializations reflect the faculty’s focus on policy-relevant research from neurologically-based development to social and cognitive issues to school-based and community intervention and evaluation. The ideal candidate will have expertise in applied developmental psychology and/or multidisciplinary policy-relevant research expertise related to human development, broadly defined. Candidates will contribute to a faculty whose research focuses on biospsychosocial approaches to development, including genetics, sleep, cognitive and social-emotional development, family and school dynamics.

Please send vita, a statement of your research and teaching interests, evidence of teaching credentials, representative publications, and three letters of reference to Review of application materials will begin on October 15, 2014 and continue until the position is filled. Inquiries should be directed to our department administrator, Maria Barbieri: