The School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announces the availability of a new tenure-track associate/full professor position in Special Education with an emphasis in literacy or related high incidence disability related to literacy.   We seek candidates that have a strong research background with a history of securing external funding.  In addition, candidates should have demonstrated experience and leadership in preparing both pre-service and in-service K-12 educators to work with students with disabilities as well as diverse students from low-wealth backgrounds who may be at risk for school failure or disability.

Context: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a doctoral granting institution in the University of North Carolina system. The School of Education offers licensure and master’s degrees as well as a new doctoral program in Applied Developmental Science and Special Education.  The colleague we seek will bring a strong research orientation and commitment to work with colleagues both across the School of Education and with other related disciplines to improve special education identification and services both in North Carolina and nationally. The successful applicant will have already established a funded program of research in a literacy or related high incidence disability related to literacy that enhances the school’s strengths and our capacity to be a national leader in research and developing programs for students within the public school setting.


  1. Earned doctorate in special education or appropriate field with an emphasis in Special Education with a major focus on literacy related disabilities.  At least three years experience teaching diverse students with disabilities in K-12 environments or the equivalent.
  2. Demonstrated ability to collaborate productively with other educators both at the university and in K-12 schools to improve learning for students with disabilities.
  3. Demonstrated program of research in literacy that that has significantly contributed to the empirical and theoretical literature in the field of Special Education and that has consistently received external funding.
  4. Demonstrated ability to be an outstanding university-level teacher and mentor of junior faculty and graduate students.


  1. Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Special Education, including those on assessment, instructional methods, reading disability and related topics.
  2. Advise masters and doctoral students with interests in special education as well as interests in students at risk for school failure because of a variety of background factors such as poverty and poor previous instruction in the classroom.
  3. Meet expectations for scholarship, including grant writing, appropriate for a research-intensive institution.
  4. Contribute to the instructional, research, and outreach mission of the School of Education and the University.
  5. Participate in local, state, and national conversations on improving learning opportunities for students at risk of school failure as well as students with disabilities.
  6. Coordinate graduate and licensure programs in Special Education.
  7. Provide leadership in planning and implementing strategies for creating a more diverse student community in the School of Education’s programs of study.
  8. Provide mentorship to junior faculty.

The Application Process: To apply for the position, attach a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, four reference names with full contact information, and two writing samples that reflect your scholarly accomplishments, using the online application process at .  The search committee will begin reviewing applications on October 15, 2012 and the search will remain open until filled.

For more information, email Dr. Lynne Vernon-Feagans ( or please consult: OR

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