The Michigan Department of Education has re-posted an Education Research Consultant 12/P13 position within the Office of Career and Technical Education. This permanent, full-time position is located in Lansing, Michigan and is open to internal employees and outside applicants. To apply and/or view the position description, click on the link below. Position closes: 4/3/2018 5:00 PM Eastern[0]=Education&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs

Brief Description:

Participate and assist in developing Michigan’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Assessment program. Oversee and coordinate the annual Career and Technical Education Student Follow-Up Survey. Develop and maintain data informational materials and respond to internal and external data requests. Participate in federal grant review process. Oversee data definitions, data accuracy, and data collection processes/procedures needed for federal Perkins and Tech Prep Core Performance Indicator (CPI), and Title II Tech Prep Indicator calculations required for U.S. Department of Education reporting.

Required Education and Experience


Possession of a master’s degree in education, social science, or mathematics, with at least eight semester credits in inferential statistics, educational measurement, evaluation design, or research design (excluding thesis or dissertation credits).


Education Research Consultant 12

One year of post-master’s consultative or administrative experience in education research or empirical research.

Education Research Consultant P13

Two years of post-master’s consultative or administrative experience in education research or empirical research, including one year equivalent to an Education Research Consultant 12.

Alternate Education and Experience

Education Research Consultant 12

Two years of post-master’s degree experience conducting research involving statistical analysis may be substituted for the experience requirement.

Education Research Consultant 12-14

Possession of a doctorate degree in measurement, evaluation, or research design may be substituted for one year of the required experience.

Education Research Consultant P13 and 14

Possession of an educational specialist (EdS) degree with eight post-bachelor’s semester credits in inferential statistics, educational measurement, evaluation design, or research design may be substituted for six months of the required experience.

Additional Requirements and Information

View the entire job specification at: