Penn State is in the midst of a cluster hire of 12 faculty to conduct cutting-edge research devoted to child maltreatment prevention, treatment, policy, and dissemination. As you can see by the ad that I have included in this email, this is a multidisciplinary approach involving 5 academic departments; Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education (EPCSE), Psychology, Biobehavioral Health (BBH), Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS), and Sociology/Criminology.

Please forward to those who might have an interest in this area. While I’m particularly eager to fill the position in my department (EPCSE), if you know of good candidates for any of these positions please forward this email to promising candidates. I’d be happy to personally talk with anyone who has an interest in any of the open positions. 

The Network is an unprecedented opportunity to identify, facilitate and coordinate multidisciplinary child maltreatment research that has the potential to significantly advance knowledge and move the field forward in ways that will maximize the health and well-being of victims and their families. Network strategic efforts will address important gaps in the field and will connect the dots between child maltreatment and a myriad of deleterious outcomes. The ultimate goal is to orient providers and policy makers toward recognizing the prevention and treatment of child maltreatment as worthy of significant public health investment. 

The Pennsylvania State University announces six (6) tenure track positions in child maltreatment as part of the University’s Network on Child Protection and Well-Being, . These positions are slated to start in the Fall of 2015. We are seeking one or more faculty members in each of five departments whose research interests and expertise fit within the broad area of child maltreatment (individual position descriptions below). These departments include: Biobehavioral Health (BBH), Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education (EPCSE), Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS), Psychology, and Sociology and Criminology. This cluster hire builds on our faculty’s long tradition of excellence in the area of children, youth and families,  which includes our academic departments as well as the four foundational Centers of the Network:  the Child Study Center,, in the College of the Liberal Arts, the Center on Children and the Law,, in the Penn State Dickinson School of Law, the Center for the Protection of Children,, in the Penn State Hershey College of Medicine, and the Prevention Research Center, in the College of Health and Human Development. 

New hires will have access to a host of additional research resources and facilities including the Biomarker Core Lab (BCL), the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI;, the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI;, the Social, Life, and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center (SLEIC;, the Methodology Center (, the Quantitative Developmental Systems Core (,  the Huck Institutes for the Life Sciences (,  the Center for Life Course and Longitudinal Studies (, and the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing (a state agency located on campus;

Our expectation is that new hires will work actively to build a powerful inter-disciplinary community of scholars and practitioners focused on understanding the causes and consequences of child maltreatment and designing, implementing, evaluating, and disseminating novel, evidence-based approaches to prevention, detection, intervention and treatment for children at risk and victims of child maltreatment. Salaries are competitive, commensurate with background and experience. An attractive benefits package is available as are startup funds to support the applicant’s research program. Review of applications and nominations will begin immediately, and will continue to be accepted until the positions are filled. We encourage applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.  Applicants are encouraged to review all six positions and consider applying to all those that are of interest.  Please apply online (, with reference to the job code numbers listed below. 

The Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education (EPCSE, in the College of Education invites applications for one open rank tenure-track faculty position. Possible areas of research include (but are not limited to) the influence of child maltreatment on academic learning outcomes; school-based prevention efforts designed to prevent or mitigate the effects of child maltreatment; or efforts to engage school-based personnel to screen, detect, or intervene effectively when confronted with signs of potential child maltreatment in school settings. Applicants should demonstrate a funded program of original research and a publication record commensurate with their experience. Responsibilities include teaching both undergraduate and graduate level courses as well as directing theses/dissertations. An earned doctorate in Educational Psychology, Counselor Education, School Psychology, Special Education, Social Work, or a closely related field, and the promise of outstanding scholarly accomplishments are required. The successful candidate will have access to departmental research facilities including the Educational Risk Initiative, Curriculum and Instruction, and Education Policy Studies.

Candidates should complete an online application and upload a letter of application, curriculum vitae, the names of three professional references and supporting materials (p)reprints. The job code is #53871.  For inquiries about this position, email Kathleen J. Bieschke, Department Head and Search Chair,

The Department of Biobehavioral Health (BBH; ) in the College of Health and Human Development invites applications for one open rank tenure-track faculty position. The ideal candidate will have a well-established program of research on child maltreatment, and a strong interest in developing collaborative research within the Network on Child Protection and Well-Being. The successful candidate’s research program will include investigating the physiological sequelae of child/adolescent maltreatment, with a special focus on physiological processes and health consequences in individuals exposed to early maltreatment. We are particularly interested in scholars who use innovative methodologies to assess neural and/or other physiological processes associated with child maltreatment and who apply their findings in translational and/or clinical research settings.

The Department of Biobehavioral Health is comprised of a transdisciplinary faculty studying the intersection of biological, behavioral, social/cultural, and environmental factors involved in health across the life span. The successful applicant will have an earned doctorate in Neuroscience, Psychology, Biology or related discipline and evidence of strong scholarly accomplishments.

The position involves teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants should have a strong record of research commensurate with their experience and will be expected to either possess or establish a record of external research funding and to engage in professional service. 

Candidates should complete an online application and upload a cover letter describing research and teaching interests and experiences, curriculum vitae, names of three professional references, and any supporting materials (p)reprints. The job code is  # 53412. For inquiries about this position, please contact Sonia Cavigelli,, or Pat Koch,

The Department of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS; in the College of Health and Human Development invites applications for one open rank tenure-track or tenured faculty member whose research focuses on the prevention of child maltreatment which includes sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect and other forms of maltreatment. 

We are particularly interested in someone who focuses on the development, implementation, and evaluation of intervention and prevention programs aimed at reducing the risk and prevalence of child abuse and neglect. Applicants conducting research with direct implications for program development should also apply. Candidates should demonstrate a clear program of research, strong publication record, and the potential to obtain external funding. Responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses as well as directing theses/dissertations.  An earned doctorate in the behavioral or social sciences and the promise of outstanding scholarly accomplishments are required. 

Rated by the U.S. News and World Report as one of the top developmental science programs in the country, the Department of Human Development and Family Studies administers graduate, undergraduate, and research programs focused on individual development from infancy to old age, on family structure and dynamics, and on the impact of social/cultural contexts on development and family functioning. Two hallmarks of the program’s research and graduate training are a focus on development and application of innovative methods for the analysis of change over time and the design and evaluation of preventive interventions to promote development. The Department`s multidisciplinary faculty includes expertise in development across the life span, social-affective neuroscience, clinical and health psychology, prevention science, family process and intervention, sociology, demography, education, and methodology. The successful candidate would be an affiliate of the Prevention Research Center (PRC;, whose research projects range from etiologic studies to large-scale translation trials and to examination of how families, schools, and communities can work together to promote healthy lifestyles for children, youth, and families.

Candidates should complete an on-line application and upload a cover letter describing research and teaching interests and experiences, curriculum vitae, names and contact information of three professional references (who will provide letters of recommendation), and selected (p)reprints. The job code is # 53468. For more information contact Anthony D’Augelli,


The Department of Psychology in the College of the Liberal Arts ( announces two (2) open rank tenure line faculty positions.   For one position, we seek a candidate with research focused on the dynamics of child maltreatment from a biobehavioral perspective, with a strong preference for candidates who take a developmental psychopathology approach.  Possible areas of research include (but are not limited to) the impact of trauma exposure on child, adolescent, or later adult neurobiological, physiological, social-emotional, or cognitive functioning.  Also of interest is research on the context of maltreatment, including child and parenting factors, family dynamics, or community risks associated with the perpetration of maltreatment and/or affecting the impact of trauma exposure. For the other position, we seek a candidate engaged in translational research focused on preventive or therapeutic interventions for children, parents, and/or adults affected by child maltreatment. Possible areas of research include (but are not limited to) parent- or family-focused interventions designed to treat or prevent maltreatment, or trauma-focused treatments designed to address and diminish the consequences of being a victim of child maltreatment. Also of interest is research designed to improve the use of evidence-based intervention strategies by service agencies, or to explore innovations in intervention approaches and delivery strategies. 

The Department of Psychology houses the Child Study Center (CSC; which functions as a university-wide translational research center, supporting advances in developmental science aimed at promoting positive educational, health, and mental health outcomes for children, adolescents, and families. Strong collaborative links exist with the other affiliate centers that form the Network, as well as with The Pennsylvania State University’s Psychological Clinic and satellite centers in urban areas throughout the state. 

Candidates should complete an online application and upload a letter of application, statements of research and teaching interests, a CV, at least three letters of recommendation, and selected (p)reprints.  The job code is #52698.  For more information, contact Karen Bierman,

The Department of Sociology and Criminology, invites applications for an open rank tenure line faculty position. We seek a candidate with expertise in the sociological and/or criminological aspects of child maltreatment and experience engaging with an interdisciplinary audience concerned with child maltreatment. In addition to criminology, relevant specialty areas include family, children and youth, child welfare, life course studies, and social movements.  We encourage applications from criminologists and sociologists who specialize in the study of any and all aspects of child maltreatment. Candidates should have a strong publication record and a commitment to securing external funding and teaching and mentoring students. Junior candidates must have completed the Ph.D. by the time of appointment.

The Department of Sociology and Criminology offers bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees in both sociology and criminology. Faculty members’ work spans a wide range of topics and is enhanced by the presence of several Penn State centers and research initiatives.


Candidates should complete an online application and upload a letter of application, curriculum vitae, names and contact information of three professional references (who will provide letters of recommendation), and selected (p)reprints. The job code is #52989.  For more information contact Wayne Osgood,