The Harvard Graduate School of Education invites applications for a faculty position in Language and Literacy, with a rank of Assistant Professor of Education, Associate Professor of Education (untenured), or Professor of Education, depending on qualifications. Areas of research expertise should include language and literacy development and/or problems in reading and writing development among students of any age from early childhood up through adolescence. Specific areas of interest might include early language development, prevention and early intervention, bilingual readers, disciplinary literacy, literacy policy, or teacher development, among others.
Candidates should have a doctorate or be in the very final stages of completing a doctorate in education, psychology, or another relevant discipline, and a productive program of research. Successful candidates will be engaged in rigorous, high quality research that informs education practice and policy, and will have a strong commitment to teaching and advising a diverse group of doctoral and master’s students with a wide range of interests.
The search committee will begin reviewing applications on 1 November 2013 and continue until the position is filled.
To apply, please go to http://academicpositions.
If you have any questions, please contact search administrator Samuel Odamah:languageandliteracy_search@
Harvard Graduate School of Education prepares students and professionals of diverse backgrounds for positions of leadership in research, policy, and practice in education, and is an affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minorities, and residents of all countries are strongly encouraged