The Department of Counseling, Recreation, and School Psychology, College of Education at FIU invites applications for a nine-month, open-rank tenure-track or tenured position, in Educational Research Methodology beginning August 2022.
Qualifications: Doctoral degree in educational research, statistics, psychometrics, quantitative methods, or related field is required. Successful applicants must show a record of scholarship in one of the advanced statistics (i.e., hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling, or survival modeling), measurement fields (i.e., classical measurement theory, Rasch model, or item response theory), mixed methods, or evaluation. Applicants must have an active research program in research methods or their application to a substantive area of education, and demonstrate the potential to secure external funding. Applicants must show a strong interest in teaching from introductory to advanced research method courses and a commitment to mentoring graduate students from research design to application.
Responsibilities: Teaching from introductory to advanced statistics; advising graduate students in research design, analysis, and interpretation; engaging in research activity with educational research; playing a leadership role in securing external funding; collaborating with students and faculty; and involving in community services at department, college, local, state, national, and international levels.
Faculty of educational research methods closely works with students and faculty of the School of Education and Human Development, which offers programs and courses in a wide range of educational research, psychological studies, and curriculum and teaching. The courses of educational research methods are offered for the core undergraduate, master, and doctoral levels both on-campus and online. As a student-focused University, the applicant must be committed to provide students with research driven, quality-learning experiences. Highly motivated applicants who can collaboratively work on the research method curricular with vision, passionately engage in scholarship, and actively participate in community. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Learn more—and find application instructions—at the full announcement, here.