The Department of Education in the College of Education at Korea University invites applications for one tenure-track position (open rank). We seek a colleague with non-Korean citizenship, as this appointment is part of the University’s effort to improve campus diversity.
We invite applications from individuals with a Ph.D. in all fields of education, including but not limited to, educational measurement and statistics, educational psychology and technology, and human resource development. Applications from individuals with a Ph.D. in a closely related field, such as psychology, statistics, and sociology, are also welcome. The University actively encourages applications and/or nominations of persons of color, persons with diverse backgrounds, and persons with disabilities.
A successful candidate is expected to contribute to improving the visibility of the program that she or he belongs to, by advancing the standards for research, teaching, and service as an energetic and collaborative member of the Department.
Applicants at all ranks are encouraged to apply.
(1) Foreign nationality (individuals with dual citizenship in Korea and another country are not eligible to apply)
(2) An earned Ph.D. in education or a related field at the time of application
(3) A record of scholarly productivity commensurate with rank
(4) Ability to teach courses in English
(1) A strong interest in advising and mentoring graduate students
(2) At all levels, demonstrated teaching ability, strong methodological skills, and a record of developing or securing grants to support research
(3) Candidates at the assistant professor level should have a minimum of three publications in reputable peer-reviewed international journals within the past 3 years
To apply, please send the following materials to:
(1) A curriculum vitae, with the names and contact information of three references
(2) A personal statement discussing the applicant’s fit for the position, program of research, and teaching/mentoring philosophy
(3) PDFs of three recent peer-reviewed or scholarly publications
Review of applications begins on December 2, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled. Applications received before this date will receive full consideration. Applications received after this date may be reviewed at the discretion of the Search Committee. Successful applicants after initial screening will be notified individually.
For inquiries about the position, please contact the Search Committee Co-Chairs: Dr. Sang Min Lee ( or Dr. Mimi Bong (
(1) Articles in press will be taken into consideration, if submitted with a letter of acceptance issued by the publisher or the journal editor.
(2) Successful applicants after initial screening will be required to submit official transcripts/certificates for all degrees conferred, certificates of employment (when applicable), and teaching evaluations.
(3) Initial employment at the assistant or associate professor level is under a three- or five-year contract. The appointee will be evaluated for reappointment toward the end of the contract term.
(4) Applications to multiple faculty positions at Korea University are not allowed, even if the applicant’s specialty corresponds to two or more fields of employment. If duplicate applications are found during or after the hiring process, the application and any subsequent appointment will be annulled