Dear Colleagues,


Due to a recently announced retirement, we are performing an open rank tenure track search for a special education (high incidence) faculty member in the Department of Educational Psychology at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, beginning in September 2012. I have pasted information from our formal advertisement further below. The opening is listed on the webpage of the Rutgers Graduate School of Education (GSE) ( as well as in places such as the Chronicle of Higher Education. Please visit our GSE website at to learn more about the GSE and Rutgers.


The Rutgers GSE is a great place to work, with a wonderful group of colleagues in the Department of Educational Psychology. This department is fortunate to have a truly friendly and supportive group of professors who get along well and help each other out. The school administration is very supportive of faculty and there is active faculty participation in school governance. We also have an exciting new initiative underway, with the formation of the Center for Interdisciplinary Disability Studies at Rutgers, an effort that involves over 70 researchers and associated professionals at Rutgers and nearby affiliates (including the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School), representing approximately 20 disciplines that address disability issues. And a person who comes to work in the GSE will discover the wonderful benefits of being in a small- to mid-sized school of education.


Rutgers is strategically located, with easy train access to Manhattan and nearby areas, and a train station on the edge of campus (a 5-minute walk from the GSE building). New Brunswick offers local cultural opportunities, including several performing arts venues. And of course, some of the most diverse and extensive performing arts are at your beck and call in New York, with Philadelphia not too far away. This can be an especially advantageous location to work for those with east coast family/friend connections. New Jersey has a varied geography, with wonderful highlands and hiking in the west and north, and ocean beaches (“the shore”) in the east. And I don’t want to forget to mention that New Jersey is called the Garden State for a good reason. There are extensive areas of farmland with exceptional produce not too far from our main Rutgers campus. It’s a great place all around.


We have some exciting plans, building for the future of the special education program and hope that the right person can be part of that future.


Thank you.


Mathew Mayer







One Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Faculty Position (tenure-track/tenured)


• Special Education


Position Description: The Graduate School of Education seeks an individual with a research focus in academic learning and behavior, with a preference for candidates whose research primarily involves academic learning strategies for students with high incidence disabilities. Applicants should demonstrate evidence of a developed research agenda with an emphasis on quantitative research designs. Knowledge of inclusion practices and educational technology is desirable. The candidate will be a nationally recognized leader in their area of special education with an extensive publication history and a strong record of securing external funding (full professor rank); bring a strong record of research and scholarly productivity, with a history of having obtained external funding (associate rank); or will have demonstrated the capacity for or emergence of a focused research trajectory, with knowledge of, or experience in obtaining and/or seeking external funding (assistant rank). A candidate with at least three years of K-12 teaching experience with students with disabilities is preferred.


Qualifications for Position: Earned doctorate in special education or related field; record of publications and external funding commensurate with rank; strong recommendations; national recognition, or on a trajectory towards national recognition; experience and skill in teaching and mentoring Masters and/or Doctoral students; history of positive collaboration with university and local school system stakeholders.


Responsibilities include: teaching and academic advising of both undergraduate and graduate students; chairing Ed.D. and/or Ph.D. dissertations; an active program of research; contributing to the effective operation of the profession, the School, and the University. Pursuit of external funding for one’s research program is also expected.


Candidates should submit (1) a cover letter addressing the qualifications and expectations noted above, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) copies of three representative publications, (4) a statement explaining the candidate’s philosophy of teaching (university-level), and planned trajectory in research/scholarship, and (5) names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of three persons who may serve as references. Requests for confidentiality will be honored subject to university regulations governing hiring.


Apply at:


Applications will be accepted until March 16, 2012. Subject to the availability of funding, the position begins September 2012.