Full-Time 12-Month Position
The School of Social and Family Dynamics (http://ssfd.clas.asu.edu/) at Arizona State University invites applications for a full-time 12-month Post-Doctoral Research Fellow starting January 15, 2013 (for two years with a third year possible). For this position, successful candidates must have a PhD or equivalent in child development, psychology, education, sociology, or related field by time of appointment. This position entails working with faculty and graduate students in ongoing multi-disciplinary projects (http://livesofgirlsandboys.
Application deadline is September 3, 2012 or every week thereafter until filled. Electronically send a letter of application that describes your research background and fit with this position. Also electronically send your curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendation to Richard Fabes at ssfdpostdoc@gmail.com. Background check is required for employment.Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply (https://www.asu.edu/titleIX/)