The Psychology Department at the University of Notre Dame anticipates hiring a postdoctoral fellow starting as early as March 1st 2013 for a minimum of one year and renewable for a second year. The position includes a full time salary and benefits. Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.
The successful candidate will conduct research to uncover the links between cognition, affect, and learning, under the supervision of Dr. Sidney D’Mello who has joint appointments in the Departments of Psychology and Computer Science. The research is highly interdisciplinary and makes use of multiple measures (self-reports, eye tracking, automated facial feature analysis) to track the cognitive-affective states (mind wandering, boredom, confusion, frustration) that students experience during learning tasks ranging from reading texts to interacting with educational games.
The position offers a unique postdoctoral training experience and unsurpassed publishing opportunities within a multi-department multi-institution grant-funded project. The postdoc will be encouraged to strengthen their research portfolios via peer-reviewed publications, to develop leadership skills by mentoring students, and to gain expertise in authoring collaborative grant proposals.
- Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science, or Educational Psychology
- A solid publication track record
- Ability to work both individually and as a member of an interdisciplinary team
- Ability to mentor a team of graduate and undergraduate students
- Prior research experience in one or more of the following research areas (learning sciences, educational technologies, discourse comprehension, affective computing, computer vision)
- Computer programming experience
- Advanced statistical and data mining skills (e.g., HLM, SEM, Bayesian models, machine learning)
- Experience with eye tracking and/or use of computer-vision for facial feature analysis
Job Details
- 1 or 2 year position starting as early as March 1, 2013
- Competitive salary with benefits commensurate with qualifications
How to Apply
- Applicants should email (1) cover letter, (2) current CV, and (3) name, title, and contact information of three references to
About the University of Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame is a widely recognized and respected university in the U.S. It is one of the few universities to consistently rank in the top 25 in the U.S. News & World Report survey of America’s best colleges. The University is located in South Bend Indiana, a city with a vibrant culture, affordable housing, excellent school systems, and within easy driving distance of Chicago and Lake Michigan.
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