The Yale University Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) invites applicants for a postdoctoral associate position for up to two years. The candidate will join a high impact externally funded effort that is already underway to study the effects of science faculty training programs on college student persistence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Applicants are expected to complete a Ph.D. before starting the postdoctoral position. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in social science or education research experimental methodology, longitudinal designs, and web-based data collection (using programs such as Qualtrics or Mechanical Turk), and an interest in studying the effect of training programs on college instructors’ teaching methods and resulting student outcomes — especially inclusion and diversity initiatives as part of student persistence in STEM fields. Candidates from STEM fields with an interest in discipline-based education research will also be considered.
The candidate should have a desire to collaborate across disciplines and divisions. The candidate should be able to work independently as well as in a team, and must be comfortable managing multiple competing deadlines and reporting relationships. Proficiency with advanced statistical techniques (such as multilevel modeling and structural equation modeling) is highly desirable. Demonstrated involvement in STEM- related projects and/or multi-site grant-funded research projects is preferable.
The position start date of June 15, 2015 is negotiable. Salary and benefits are highly competitive. To apply, please email a cover letter describing your background, future goals, and how the position aligns with your professional trajectory. Please include an updated Curriculum Vita (CV). Send this information to For full consideration, all materials must be received by March 31, 2015.
Our interdisciplinary team is led by Evaluation Director, Mark Graham, Ph.D, Center for Teaching and Learning Executive Director, Jennifer Frederick, Ph.D., and Deputy Provost for Teaching and Learning, Scott Strobel, Ph.D. Past faculty sponsors include founding director Jo Handelsman, Ph.D. (currently on leave as Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy). Current faculty co-sponsors of postdoctoral associates include members of Yale’s department of psychology. Our external collaborators include evaluation experts at Cornell’s Office of Research on Evaluation and science education experts at the University of Connecticut, University of Colorado at Boulder, and University of Nebraska at Lincoln.