The Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position. The fellow will work closely with Dr. Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou and Dr. Kristen McMaster on various projects in reading and language comprehension (focusing on technology-based interventions and assessments). An important goal of this position is to provide a postdoctoral experience that will facilitate the fellow’s development as a scholar in preparation for a career in academia. The fellow will be heavily involved in writing and dissemination efforts.

Dr. Kendeou and Dr. McMaster are Professors in the Department of Educational Psychology at the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota.

More information is available via the links below:

Projects TeLCI and ELCII:

Department of Educational Psychology:

Required Qualifications

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in educational psychology, cognitive psychology, education, or a related field. The ideal candidate will have a background in reading comprehension, strong quantitative skills (e.g., HLM, SEM), a promising record of refereed publications, experience conducting research in lab and applied settings, and a passion for improving education. The position is available beginning in Fall 2019, but start date is flexible.

The initial deadline for applications is July 30th. If not filled, review of complete applications will continue every week thereafter until the search is closed.

Applicant Instructions

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vita, statement of research interests, and the names of three people who can describe the applicant’s background, interests, and research potential.

To apply:

1. Go to:

2. Click on the “External Applicants” tab

3. Type 331443 (the 6 digit job code) in the Search Jobs box 

For inquiries, please contact Dr. Kendeou at and Dr. McMaster at