We have an open position for a postdoctoral scholar in the area of statistical machine learning. The appointment will be in Padhraic Smyth’s research group and can be made through either the Computer Science or Statistics department depending on the candidate’s preference. The successful candidate should have a strong background at the intersection of machine learning and computational statistics. There is some flexibility in terms of what specific research topics the successful candidate will work on, but at least one of the projects is likely to involve the development of latent variable and Bayesian models for analyzing large text corpora – so an interest in working with text data is desirable. This position will involve opportunities to collaborate with research groups at other universities as well as at UC Irvine, including faculty such as Alex Ihler and Rina Dechter (Computer Science), Anima Anandkumar (EECS), Hal Stern and Babak Shahbaba (Statistics), Mark Steyvers (Cognitive Sciences), and Carter Butts (Social Sciences).

UC Irvine is in Southern California, about halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego, and located 3 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The area enjoys a year-round warm Mediterranean climate and offers a wide variety of cultural and outdoor opportunities.

Interested applicants should apply by email to Cindy Kennedy at ckennedy@ics.uci.edu, with a subject line containing “Application for postdoctoral position in Smyth group.”  Applicants should attach a CV in PDF format to their application, and the vitae should include a list of publications and the names and addresses of three references.

For additional details please refer to

An appointment can be made as early as Fall 2013 but we will also consider candidates who wish to start at a later date. The initial appointment will be for 12 months but it is expected that the position can be renewed for a second year.

The University of California, Irvine is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity.