Our 40-credit interdisciplinary doctoral program in Community and Public Affairs prepares students to enter a community of scholars, educators, and advanced practitioners who focus study in three core areas (1): research methods and data analysis; (2) community systems, cultural competence, and social justice; and (3) engagement. We are looking for a new faculty member to support our rapidly growing program. Preferred qualifications include: (1) an earned Ph.D. in human development, public administration, social work, student affairs, or a closely related field; (2) a well-developed research agenda emphasizing engaged research; (3) potential to develop an externally funded research program that involves doctoral students; (4) cultural sensitivity, awareness and demonstrated ability to work with diverse individuals, groups and communities; and (5) excellent oral and written communication skills. We are particularly interested in scholars who address social action, social justice, and/or social inequalities in their research, teaching, and/or service. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct interdisciplinary research that focuses on better ways to address complex problems facing communities, the organizations that serve them, and their members; teach courses in the CPA doctoral program and College, and contribute to the broader curriculum of the program; and serve on doctoral committees.
To apply, visit http://binghamton.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=52990. For additional information, contact Dr. Elizabeth A. Mellin, PhD Program Director and Associate Professor. E-mail: emellin@binghamton.edu.