The Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University is seeking to hire an outstanding scholar in the learning sciences with a research focus in one of the STEM fields. The GSE has a core group of faculty who work within the field of the learning sciences who are looking to broaden and expand this expertise. We are seeking a scholar who has demonstrated significant accomplishment via publications and funding and who will be able to establish an independent research agenda within a highly collaborative environment. Therefore, the position is open to individuals of all ranks, including assistant professors with an established record of accomplishment. We are seeking individuals who have deep understanding of design and have strong classroom-based research experience. The specific substantive area of interest is open. The successful candidate will be able to provide evidence of teaching ability and will be expected to teach courses for masters and doctoral level students, and may also teach occasional undergraduate courses. In addition, the candidate should provide evidence of having successful collaborations with students and with other colleagues within and/or across institutions. The candidate must have an earned doctorate in a relevant field. Our School and University are especially interested in applications from individuals who are members of groups that have been and still are underrepresented in university faculty positions.
The larger Rutgers University community offers exceptional opportunities for individuals in the learning sciences. Faculty in the GSE have formal relationships with departments in mathematics and the sciences (biology and physics). The Rutgers University Cognitive Science Program is one of the outstanding programs of its kind in the world.
The GSE offers both Ed.D. and Ph.D. in Education programs. The GSE is a member of the Carnegie Professional Educational Doctoral (CPED) network and is currently revising its doctoral program (Ed.D. and Ph.D.) offerings in light of trends occurring at both the local, national, and international levels. Please explore our website to learn more about the Graduate School of Education. The website has information about our faculty, students, programs, news, and events. The Faculty/Research tab on our Homepage contains links to our Centers and Institutes including the National Institute of Early Education Research; the Center for Effective School Practices; Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes; Center for Literacy Development; the Rutgers Institute for Improving Student Achievement; and the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning. Rutgers GSE and other partners constitute the Regional Educational Laboratory: Mid-Atlantic sponsored by the US DOE’s Institute for Education Sciences.
Rutgers University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and a NSF ADVANCE Institution.
Apply electronically at Your application should include the following materials: (1) cover letter summarizing qualifications; (2) current curriculum vitae; (3) teaching and research statement; (4) at least one, but not more than three, published or unpublished papers; and (5) names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of three individuals who may be contacted as references. Submit these items as separate attachments preferably as PDF documents. Review of applications will start immediately, and will continue until the position is filled.
Subject to the availability of funding, the position begins September 2014.
Questions regarding this position should be emailed to Dr. Drew Gitomer, Learning Sciences Search Committee at