We are seeking a full-time research scientist for an NSF-funded research project at Teachers College Columbia University. The goal of the project is to identify and test curricular approaches intended to improve under resourced adolescent students’ persistence in the face of difficulties in learning science.

The candidate chosen for the position will (1) help design and test classroom-based interventions to improve students’ motivation to learn science and math related concepts; (2) have competence in analyzing and interpreting data, including proficiency in SPSS and other statistic packages; and (3) write and communicate clearly, concisely and efficiently.  The work produced from the grant will result in co-authorship on publications.

Candidates must have a PhD or be on schedule to obtain one in cognitive, social, instructional or developmental psychology, or a related discipline by May, 2014.  Interested individuals should visit the following web sites:

Press Release about the project:



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