The Department of Psychology at Portland State University invites applications for TWO tenure-track assistant professor positions in Developmental Science and Education with a September 16, 2023 start date. The department has a strong applied research orientation and a doctoral program in Applied Psychology with specializations in Developmental, Industrial/Organizational, Applied Social, Community, and Applied Quantitative psychology.
We are especially interested in scholars who use innovative developmental methodologies to study educational equity and the development and schooling of children from racialized, minoritized, low income, and/or immigrant groups. We specifically encourage applicants with a research focus on diversity issues in development and education, to add to our growing departmental focus on human diversity and social justice. For example, we welcome candidates whose research, teaching, and outreach address the role of cultural, racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and/or gender identities and contexts; strengths and challenges facing students from refugee families; processes of discrimination, bias, or stereotyping; and interventions, policies, and strategies to advance social justice and educational equity. Overall, we seek applicants whose research, teaching, outreach, lived experience, and service will contribute to the department’s focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice, while complementing our existing strengths.
Responsibilities for this position include maintaining a productive program of community-based research; applying for external funding; teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in developmental science, including courses related to the applicant’s particular area of expertise; supervising graduate students’ theses and dissertations; and contributing to service in the department, university, and profession.
The Psychology Department supports an inclusive and vibrant intellectual environment in which human diversity is recognized and valued. In keeping with this commitment, we particularly encourage applications from candidates from diverse/historically underrepresented groups and candidates whose research, teaching, outreach, and service will contribute to the department’s focus on diversity and social justice. We maintain a supportive climate of cooperation, collaboration, and collegiality. Salary is competitive with a strong benefits package including health care and retirement packages and reduced tuition rates for employee, spouse, or dependent at any of the Oregon University System schools. PSU is an urban university located in downtown Portland. Portland is a thriving metropolitan area, with many opportunities for applied research. It is a highly livable city that offers natural beauty and a high quality of life including a lively cultural scene and outdoor sporting activities. Mountains, forests, and the Oregon coast are all relatively close to Portland and PSU.
Applications should include a current CV and cover letter in which candidates describe how their scholarly goals and expertise match the position. In addition, please include separate statements of research and teaching interests, including interests in research with and teaching diverse populations; copies of recent publications; and at least three letters of professional reference. For specific questions, email Dr. Ellen Skinner at Review of applications will begin December 15, 2022 and continue until the position is filled.
Please submit all materials to
Portland State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Institution and welcomes applications from diverse candidates and candidates who support diversity.