The faculty of the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, Counseling, and College Student Personnel (ECPY) in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at the University of Louisville invite applications and nominations for an outstanding scholar and leader to serve as Department Chair. Candidates should be experienced faculty members with strong research and teaching skills who are also dedicated to furthering the departments goals.
We seek a chairperson who is knowledgeable about the dynamics of working in a department with various interrelated programs and accrediting organizations. The preferred candidate is expected to have a background in at least one of the departments programs (Art Therapy; College Student Personnel; Counselor Education and Supervision; Counseling Psychology; Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation). An exceptional candidate from a highly related field who could be integrated as a core member into one of our existing programs would also be considered. Candidates must have a demonstrated ability to contribute to the department and to the college in a number of ways, including (a) obtaining grant funding, (b) publishing in top-tier journals, (c) recruiting highly-qualified graduate students, and (d) increasing the departments national and international reputation.
For more information about the position and the application process, please see: